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Sunday, October 13, 2013

Fish Oil Weight Loss - A Proven Obesity Program

What exactly is the fish oil weight loss program?

Well, I am sure we have all heard of the idea that some foods are natural fat burners, but what if I told you that certain fats are actually fat burners. This may sound weird, as most of us equate fats with becoming obese or at least they are a major contributing factor to an increased waist line. However illogical it may appear, good healthy fats actually raise your metabolic rate and thus the fats you want to get rid of, are burned up at a very fast rate.

A program of this nature is an ideal way to over come obesity. An omega 3 supplement, which is high in the fatty acid DHA, with lower amounts of epa, is essential to this type of program. The reason for this, is because the fatty acid DHA is a powerful fat burner which actually subdues Insulin. Insulin has a powerful negative effect upon a very important hormone which controls our appetite. That is why a DHA fatty acid enriched supplement is absolutely important in this fish oil weight loss program.

While it is true that fatty fish do contain omega 3's, such as salmon for example, we have to keep in mind that such farmed fish are not being fed plankton, which is the fish's main source of omega 3's. Wild salmon would be a better option, but once again we have the problem of contaminants to deal with. Nuts and seed contain omega 3's, but again this is in a form which the body needs to convert into DHA.

An excellent solution to all these problems is to take adequate purified fish oil supplements, of the correct DHA/epa ratio. A suggested dosage would be 6 grams a day along with a moderate brisk walk. Do not forget to exercise, as these bosom pals, fish oil and walking, go together well, in breaking up those barriers of fat.

Before taking several grams of fish derived omega 3's, in this fish oil weight loss program, it is strongly suggested that you see a health professional first, due to the blood thinning properties of these essential fatty acids.

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